NUS Fintech Stock Prediction Project
Python, Sentiment Analysis, Machine Learning
As part of our learning process in NUS Fintech Society, my team embarked on a project to predict the Adjusted Close price of the Dow Jones Industrial Average using news headlines. The concepts we explored in this project include: Jaccard Similarity Coefficient, Sentiment Analysis and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM).
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Book Review Website
Python, HTML, CSS, Web Development
Tried my hand on web development by building a book review website. Users are able to register, log in & out, search for books, leave reviews, see other people's reviews and the books' Goodreads ratings. Utilised the Flask and Bootstrap frameworks.
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Data@ANZ Virtual Experience Program
Python, R, Data Visualisation, Machine Learning
I participated in the virtual program to gain more knowledge of how data is utilised in banks. Using R to produce various charts, I produced a report on transaction, customer, and merchant insights from an ANZ dataset. In addition, I explored correlations between customer attributes and build regression and decision-tree prediction models based on the findings.
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